In its first incarnation (April to June 1982), the setting was Millard Fillmore High School in Los Angeles. Diana Swanson is an English teacher, Ben Cooper is the school principal, Michael Dreyfuss and Gwen Edwards are fellow teachers, Mr. Brody is the assistant principal and Mr. Pafko is the janitor. Most of the scenes were in the faculty lunchroom and lounge from which students were excluded.
1 | Diana, Substitute Mother | 30 minutes | Watch |
2 | The Dreyfuss Affair | 30 minutes | Watch |
3 | Cooper's Grab for Gusto | 30 minutes | Watch |
4 | Quote, Unquote | 30 minutes | Watch |
5 | The Make-Up Test | 30 minutes | Watch |
6 | I've Got a Crush on You | 30 minutes | Watch |
7 | The Once and Future Teacher | 30 minutes | Watch |
8 | Guns and Butter | 30 minutes | Watch |
9 | The Rose | Watch |
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download Teachers Only, Season 1
download Teachers Only, Season 1
download Teachers Only, Season 1